Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Simple Mehndi Designs Beginners

Simple Mehndi Designs Beginners 2012-13 Simple Mehndi Designs usually reflect the skills of artists and design individuality of all traditions around Arabian Peninsula. The natural and pain-free art of decorating the hands and feet with henna on ceremonial occasions. Simple Mehndi consists mostly of floral designs, animal and human figures are not usually used. This design is very easy and can easily be mastered by armatures. ........................Simple Mehndi Designs Beginners.......................... ...

Rajasthani Mehndi

Rajasthani Mehndi 2012-13 Mehndi of Rajasthan is one of the most popular. Mehndi is prepared by grinding the dry henna leaves into a very fine powder and then making a paste with water. This paste is then applied on the hands and feet of females in the form of beautiful designs, with the help of matchsticks or cones. After the mehndi gets dry, it is removed revealing the beautiful designs on the skin in red color. ............................Rajasthani Mehndi.......................... ...

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