Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Henna Designs For Feet

Henna Designs For Feet Henna designs for feet The Middle Eastern style consisted mostly of floral patterns inspired by Arabic carvings, paintings and textiles. This casual style did not usually follow a specific pattern. The North American style accentuated the shape of the feet using geometric floral patterns. The Indian and Pakistani designs are made up of intricate, repetitive paisley patterns, lines and teardrops.Some of the popular designs for feet include flowers, leafy tendrils, and abstract shapes. Applying henna designs on feet are a little more difficult, but can be created easily with a bit of concentration. Usually, the sides or bottoms...

Monday, 23 January 2012

Henna Mehndi Designs

Henna Mehndi Designs 2012-13 Henna mehndi designs East it is the essential part of the Wedding to dye Bride’s Hands, Arms and Feet. So Henna can be used to Dye Hands, Arms, Feet, legs or some other parts of Body. Females also dye their hands on different occasions such as Eid etc. Here we have collected more than 100 awesome and very attractive Henna Designs, so you should have a lot of variety to dye your hands. Beauty Salon may also get a lot of stock for them to use for their customers. .............................Henna Mehndi Designs 2012-13.......................... ...

Mehndi Designs On Foot

Mehndi Designs On Foot 2012-13 Mehndi designs on foot 2012-13  along with the hands too. The designs and the way of applying mehndi on foot is very different that that of hands. The mehndi is gently designed over the upper side of the food. The women who designs mehndi over her foot should not walk until the mehndi dries in order to prevent the design from getting spoiled. ...........................Mehndi Designs On Foot 2012-13.......................... ...

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