Saturday, 14 April 2012

Love Tattoo Designs

Love Tattoo Designs Love tattoo designs If you've already done some searching online or in your local tattoo parlor catalogs, you'll know there's no end of heart designs to choose from. Most designs you'll instantly dismiss. They're not "you". Too complicated, too simple, too vivid, too subtle, too traditional, too modern. What one person loves, another wouldn't give you two cents for. ...........................Love Tattoo Designs......................... ...

Heart Tattoo Designs For Women

Heart Tattoo Designs For Women womens choice of tattoo is the woman, like a signature on the skin, and reflects her presentation of self in everyday life and cannot be viewed separately from the person.She can be bold, colorful, and strong, or fragile, thoughtful, and sublime, or any combination, making the possibilities when choosing a butterfly tattoo limited only by the imagination, and easily tailored to meet ones own personality. ............................Heart Tattoo Designs For Women ............................... ...

Lotus Tattoo Designs

Lotus Tattoo Designs The lotus is very common in Eastern cultures. Like the rose is in America, the lotus is a popular flower choice in Asia, Egypt, India, and other Eastern countries. In fact, the popularity of the lotus compares to that of the rose.Lotus tattoos can be quite simple; however, they may also feature intricate designs. One interesting idea would be to depict the seven chakras of the practice of Kundalini. Each chakra is associated with one of five elements (including space), and either consciousness or enlightenment. Each chakra shows a lotus flower with its own color, and in a different state bloom. For example, the Muladhara...

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